Elliott, Robert Brown – South Carolina Politician

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Robert Brown Elliott


John C Abercrombie

Robert Elliott was born in Liverpool, England to West Indian parents. Living in England, he received a public-school education. He also learned to become a typesetter.

In 1867, Elliott was living in Charleston, SC, working as an associated editor of the South Carolina Leader, a freedman’s newspaper.

Intellectually gifted and well educated, he spoke several languages.

He was a leading figure in the state1868 constitutional convention. He advocated compulsory public education and helped defeat the imposition of poll tax and literacy tests for voters. Poll taxes and literacy tests were a favorite way of eliminating many voters who by rights of citizenship were constitutionally qualified to vote.

Elliott served on the Barnwell County Board of Commissioners and was elected to the state house of representatives. He became an influential person, getting assigned as chairman of the committee on railroads and chairman of the committee on privileges and elections.

With his education, ambition, and keen intelligence he was able to study law and was admitted to the South Carolina bar in 1868.

In 1870, he was appointed the assistant adjutant general of South Carolina. This game him authority to rise the state militia to protect Black citizens from the Ku Klux Klan.

Elliott served the South Carolina Republican executive committee throughout his career.

Elliott was nominated for a South Carolina congressional seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1870. He was slated to run against Union Reform Party candidate John E. Bacon, son of a prominent low country family. Despite predictions by the New York Times, Elliott won the seat with a 60 percent vote, and was sworn into the 42nd Congress on March 4, 1871.

Elliott was a strong campaigner for Civil Rights and fought many battles during his political career because of these strongly held beliefs.

Robert Brown Elliott – Served representing the State of South Carolina. Engaged in a debate against the Vice President of the Confederacy, Alexander H Stevens, and tore him apart.

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