Mini-Series Black History Race Riots and Massacres 2023

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2023 Black History Month Series – Obstacles to Full Citizenship


John C Abercrombie

To see day 1, click this amazing link. 

Day 2, we see emerging views clash. Men and women were more than willing to put their lives on the line for America and felt that it entitled them to the full experience of citizenship. Whites continued to express Supremacy and the belief that America belonged to them alone. We see this clash of attitudes in Columb ia, Tennessee.

Click this link to see Day 2 

Note: this page may need to be refreshed to see the entire list during the series.

Day 4 the Lynching of Will Brown – Brutality for seeking a job. 

Day 3, Race riot Atlanta, Georgia. Who knew? Click this link to see.

Day 5, the Elaine, Arkansas Massacree of 237 Blacks in search of fair treatment. Click here to see this post 

Day 6, Detroit Race Riot of 1943. Blacks like other groups were seeking employment opportunities but were suppressed by those believing that all benefits of citizenship belonged only to Whites. See it here. 

Today is day 7 and we look at the race riots of Charleston, South Carolina. As a resident of the state, born, raised and educated here, I feel betrayed that this is not taught as part of the history of the state. Is it that the state believes they can not tell the citizens the truth about their history?  To see this post, click here. 

Day 8 – Qualified Immunity Part 1

Day 9 – Qualified Immunity, Corrective Actions 

Day 10, John Roy Lynch – Missippi politician facing gerrymandering. 

Day 11 Tulsa Massacre. It has taken 100 years for this event to be recognized as it has been “hidden” in history. Dont be afraid of the facts as they are useful to make a great future for all. Click this link for this post.

Day 12, we continue to look at the Tulsa Massacre, only this time, although it has been 100 years, there are living witnesses. Click this link to see this post.

Day 13 is a continuation of the Tulsa Massacre. To see this post, click this amazing link.

Day 14, this is the final report on the Tulsa Massacre and represents post 14 of 28. This post focuses on the value that those in power place on the value of Black lives. Click this link to see the post.

Day 15 focuses on one of the most shameful practices immiginable. To see this post, use this link. 

Day 16 Harry T Moore and his wife were killed on their 25th wedding anniversity for his work in the field of civil rights. Fired from his job as a teacher, he continued to pursue justice. To read about this brave couple use this link. 

Day 17 of 28 is the story of a man who paid a dear price for seeking an education at a state run institution. Framed and sentenced to seven years in prison on the trumped up charges (later exenorated) of stealing $25.00 in chicken feed. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer and denied food and water. To see this post click this link.

Day 18 is about something that we may have actually heard in history and involves Nat Turner and his attempt to obtain freedom. This may have become palatable since in the end Nat Turner was hanged. To see the full story, click this link.

Day 19 of 28 The New York Draft riots. While this is over drafting people to serve in the United States of America. Who ever knew that at one time New York had seriously considered seceding from the United States of America and joining the Confederate States of America over the issue of slavery even though four slave states, Deleware, Kentucky, Maryland and Missouri remained in the United States of America. To see this fascinating story, click this link. 

Day 20 of 28. Today we look at the Hamburg, South Carolina Massacre. 100 Black men were slaughtered as they surrendered after having the courthouse set afire. As they emerged they were shot or lynched. A monument errected on the site was to honor not those fighting for their right to vote, but the 3 men who died killing them. To see this post, click this link.

Day 21 of 28 focuses on the Colfax Massacre with is over voting rights. To see this important post, click this link.

Day 22 of 28. We look at the murder of three civil rights workers that drew national attention and the involvement of law enforcement. A book and movie about this event is titled “Mississippi Burning” See it here use this link.

Day 23, the story of Mary Turner. A brutal attack on a woman and her unborn child. Gruesme but a part of American history. Click here to see this post.

Day 24 of 28 Thibodaux Massacre. An event that resulted in the death of 60 Blacks. While topics like this are not the most pleasant, to ignore them is to turn our backs on real, factual history. For the expression that failure to know history results in having to relive it applies. This is why it is necessary to face the truth rather than let it faster and repeat in the future. To see this important post, click this link.

Day 25 of 28, we take a unique look at the concept of White Supremacy. An interesting view. Click here to see this post

Day 26 of 28 the focus is the Rosewood Massacre and once again we see the results of uncontrolled White violence ignited on a mere accusation. To see this post, click this link. in a blog site dedicated to providing a full view of American History complete with a 360 degree of the full experience. There are many unaware of the experience and this includes all racial groups Blacks, Whites, Asians even Native Americans and other racial, religious and members of gender experiences. This is possible because Europeans find many aspects of history disturbing and therefore have left them out of the history being taught.

Citizens on the other hand have been led to believe that we have been presented the facts and that there is no distortion in what is being taught. This is where the problem begins.

From an early date, the treatment of people from Africa has been absorbent. To justify the treatment, it has been necessary to depict these people as less than human. In capable of learning, incapable of self-determination, incapable of being in charge of their own lives.

We are often presented half of the problem and no solution. Many are aware that there have been laws that made it illegal to teach Blacks either slave or free to read or write, but why? There is history in Africa and if people become aware of it, they are motivated to succeed beyond the expectations of all. These people came from great civilizations, found themselves in a country speaking a different language. Africans have always had a talent for language. While in South Africa, most people could speak several languages. Many enslaved people in this country also had the same skills and often used it to great advantage, from York with Lewis and Clark to Bass Reeves (The Lone Ranger) and others.

Many of the early Greeks acknowledge going to Africa for higher education. There are still untold thousands of books there that have never been translated. Books were more important than gold.

Ben Franklin started with a belief that enslaved children could not learn until he witnessed to his amazement that these students were every bit as good as the European student.

By depriving enslaved people of an education, it was possible to prevent them from studying law or even determining the profit due them from share cropping. Just knowing that they were being cheated was reason to kick them off the property in the middle of the night without their due.

At this point we are going to introduce the topic of this year’s miniseries and the obstacles to full citizenship. While the commonly held belief is that the Civil War was a war between the states, it was actually a war between two countries. The United States of America and the Confederated States of America, separate countries with each having a president and vice president and constitution. There is distortion here because much of history was written by the loser of the war. We will focus on the many steps by the South to deny Blacks the right to vote. To many, this will be new information, but it continues today.

This post will be updated daily, so refresh and continue to be amazed at the lengths taken to deny Blacks the rights of full citizenship. Hundreds of Blacks have been slaughtered and the Whites responsible have and continue to be celebrated. An unthinkable picture.

We look at Race Riots and Massacres in America.

First post February 1, 2023. Use this link to check the entire series daily.

Tomorrow, we will begin with an open discussion on the Memphis Police and others like them. Please join us.

This pot is late due to a hard fought bought of COVID, but we will pursue so pray and join us.

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